This is an acceptable adaptation of the source material.. with restrained content and decent execution, but with enough changes to make it different.
But I ask.. what is the reason to make some very important foundational changes that will ripple throughout the series, when the rest of the story will try to remain the same? There's no reason to change Light, of all characters, to be a wimpy fanboy. What was Light 's ego is now desperation and weakness.. and now the character isn't as much fun to watch or root for, and missed the point. Instead, this series seems to be made with L at its core, affecting many other things in the way.
There's also some cheap CGI, lots of conveniences, poor explanations and rushed developments that make this something of a chore to get through.
If it's not going to be like the best version of it, for those that decide to watch this first.. it could ruin the experience. And for those that have already seen it, there's nothing to gain from it.
Honestly, watch the faithful Anime adaptation or read the original Manga instead..