i always look forward in watching the episodes of THE ORIGINALS, i love the fact that Joseph Morgan, Niklaus.. learned how to express love to others, he is now acting as a father to his daughter,, he may do crazy bad things but he is still good in nature,,i like him very much! Rebecca is one of my favorites too.. she is very sweet and caring but i pity her for not experiencing how it feels to carry a child in her womb ,because it really felt great when i had my first baby boy! it feels heaven. I hope eventually she will turn in to human again and fall in love with a great man because she deserves it more than anyone else, I idolize her for being strong despite of the fact that her brothers dominate her especially Klaus,he always tries to control her and her decisions and often he locks Rebecca in her coffin.. So sad! I didn't like it when Rebecca's soul was entered in to someone else body! I hate her wicked mother for doing that! I think it'll be better if Rebecca's soul will enter the body of Victoria Justice!!! not that newbie vampire..
can't wait to see the next episode!!!