Its because of poor blurry pigs like ML Sharma that India still can not solve the archaic social "laws" and "norms". Someone who says he will gladly burn his daughter lives not deserve to be a lawyer, he belongs to the gallows or the electric chair or lethal injection in death or chemical castration along with his "helpers" as if the rapist he has dared to defend. These monsters are not "people", and can not be reasoned with.
The sad part is that he is not the only one who claims really inhuman things like that and believe in them, a large part of society is such that the dowry killings, female infanticide, malnutrition, wife beating, RAPE..the list can go on. Rural society are the worst for him, first of all, they do not have adequate awareness and education, etc., regardless of the small piece of mind that you have can not keep up with modern India. Its this kind of people who can not handle women to be free and liberated and think in their wrong brain that his well within its rights to rape a woman. Rape is a clear example of that and many of our politicians, police officers, as well. All they crawl out of the backlog and narrow-minded parasitic colonies are grown and where it is okay for them to treat women as animals, something that will be used and abused. No wonder you can not sympathize with women victims, rural or urban, but instead seems to be some kind of perverse pleasure in a woman's pain.