Outside Parliament in Reykjavik, a man throws himself at the Minister for Industry, setting fire to them both. He dies, but she survives. Andri Olafsson, now working in Reykjavik, is assigned to the case.
Andri Olafsson's investigation takes him to a small town in the north of the country where his estranged daughter lives with her aunt and where the population is wary of a proposed expansion of the aluminum smelter.
The Hammer of Thor member in custody confesses to Andri that something big is about to happen - but won't budge on the details. Andri and his team investigate.
Andri races to save Hafdis when she is kidnapped by members of Hammer of Thor. Skuli is found in critical condition. Aron and Thorhildur make a startling discovery.
Gisli's funeral takes place, prompting a drunken outburst by Vikingur. Thorhildur and Aron's secret is discovered. Ebo is threatened. Thorhildur continues to communicate with the mystery person using the secret mobile.
Andri and Hinrika return to Finnur's house and discover the Euros. Thorhildur and Aron in trouble. The cell phone is still active. Ebo and Pawel raise the tension in the plant. After the funeral, Vikingur is enraged, out of control.
Asgeir's car is found in flames, prompting Andri to accelerate the investigation starting with his own daughter. Kettil and a reporter find the origin of the pollution.