I'm not sure where to start. I have just finished the last episode of the third season.
The first season was absolutely enthralling. Set in a remote community in Norway/Iceland (!) the governor of Fortutude has plans to build an hotel in the glacier. It is designed to be the ultimate in luxury accommodation. The planning report has gone in and is waiting to be approved. However the discovery of a relic revealed to the guy doing the report forces him to review it and he is murdered. Then begins a complex but reasonable storyline of an insect suspended in permafrost, which begins to infect inhabitants of Fortitude. 10/10 for the first series!
The second series continues the storyline but with a more conspiratorial side. Politics and business madness intoxifies the scientific research and progression of the infestation from the first series. 8/10 for the second!
HOWEVER. The third is just a spoof. The characters become ridiculous and the storyline is held together by a gnat's hair. Pardon the pun. If you seriously enjoyed the first and second series I would suggest you will gain nothing from watching the third. There is no conclusion and it feels almost as if one of the producers said "we got them hook line and sinker with the first two series, let's make a third and charge £12.99 for the dvd. That'll get 'em!!" Third series 2/10.
I got caught out! It really is so disappointing, I thought the overall tone was very "Twin Peaks" but it felt it went offline in the very same way. Shame. Sad face.