My friend and I watched Finding Mr. Christmas together, a reality competition to find the next male lead for a new Hallmark Christmas movie. The show was sweet and warm, like being wrapped in a cozy blanket for an hour. The ten guys truly rooted for and supported each other which was refreshing to see. The ultimate winner ended up being model Ezra Moreland.
My problem with the series was that there were just not enough challenges to fully show the men's acting chops. We watched very brief acting scenes as well as talent, dancing, and improv challenges. The second placer, Hayden, was seemingly the best actor but ultimately the crown went to the best looking guy with the best body.
I had high hopes for Ezra and wanted him to succeed. But watching Happy Howlidays is like watching someone drowning. Ezra looked great for sure, but the acting was tentative, flat, and one note from beginning to end. The poor guy was clearly in way over his head, not having acted before and having to carry a film. On top of that he had to work with dogs, a so so leading lady, and a bottom of the barrel script.
It was an incredibly disappointing ending to a terrific series. Hopefully lessons were learned for next years Finding Mr, Christmas. Meanwhile, I hope this at least leads to more modeling jobs for Ezra. And just maybe Hayden can be given a well deserved spot in an upcoming Hallmark film.