6.6 stars.
This was almost a great movie, but missed the mark on every level. We are left with a sub par story that could've been wonderful. There are so many little pieces missing that it's unfortunate, because the acting is great. The characters are endearing, the two adult brothers with their horseplay and man jokes, the cute little boy, fun grandparents...
Everything is great about this movie except the execution. It's slow throughout, the dialogue stalls, the romance is forced and depressing, although that's probably by design. Everyone seems so forlorn it's difficult to be excited about this film.
The story is about a man and a woman who are separated, their marriage is on the rocks. Both sides of the family are patient as they try to mend their relationship. Things are difficult and it seems like it's not going to work out. But as with all Hallmark movies, it works out in the end. But it was too sad for me and I had difficulty getting through this painstakingly painful narrative.