A huge disappointment. I expected much more from Tom Green.
In this show Tom Green is not the man he used to be in the shocking/funny show that everyone saw on MTV in the 90's.
These days Tom became old, calm and kind: just a regular, likeable guy. I still like him, but he doesn't do anything in this show that would be worth watching!
The entire conception is boring.
Tom actually doesn't do anything. He doesn't do chores around the farm, he doesn't build anything (everything is built by workers, Tom just pays other people to get the jobs done). Tom doesn't even ruin anything for the sake of being shockingly/surprisingly funny as if he would've probably done it in the 90's.
This show could've been very funny with the former Tom Green from MTV, but now he's a completely different person.
Tom isn't even harrassing his own parents with stupid jokes. He just talks with them about the past, being nostalgic with them about his earlier career. Actually the entire show feels like some sort of a "Days in a Home for the Elderly" feeling, because both Tom and his parents look very old, and all of them look tired, calm, quite wise and kind. They are just talking, doing absolutely nothing. Sometimes petting animals.
It's basically a farm family show with old people petting animals.
It's absolutely not funny, and definitely not hilarious.
I think this show will be totally cancelled after the first season. I don't see any actual reason to continue watching it, even if I really liked Tom's sense of humor, but in this show I haven't seen any of it.