FYI: If you wish to review a better review than mine, I highly recommend the LA Times review. Also, as noted by many critics, this is a great film for fans of the Grapes of Wrath, but it is way more than this.
It's the humanizing act of the filmmaker, such as the small talk between the overnighters and especially the scene in the credits. It's the fact that he transforms these faceless people whom the town fears to people that the audience enjoys is what is so astounding. When people disagree with Pastor Reinke's plans, you feel for the overnighters and him. As a respected pastor, it is hard to imagine how quickly the townsfolk are turning against him.
He tries to make you feel for them as much as the Pastor, even if you are not one who thinks "love thy neighbor" or anything related.
My single complaint is that for a very brief time, the movie moves a bit too slow. But then right afterward, there is a breakneck pace that sets up for the films conclusion, one that you might not like but has to be shown.
Outstanding documentary. 9.4