..just got back from seeing the latest effort from Clattenberg and company..
If you are already a fan of the Trailer Park Boys, then you'll enjoy this flick. It is always fun spending time with these characters..
This movie actually plays out with the feel of a mini-season of the series... You have an overall arc similar to how each season of the show played out.. At the start the boys and the gang are all in one place, and then they have an adventure where, at the end of it all, some folks are in jail while others prosper. I don't want to give too much away, but if the word is true that there will be a new season of the show on NETFLIX, then i think this film does a good job of laying the groundwork for it..
As usual Robb Wells and Mike Smith steal the show.. Wells has some classic Ricky moments and soliloquies, while Smith's Bubbles brings the heart and soul to the show.
Good effort, boys!