18 of 40 found this mild
When Frosty awakens he is naked. A scarf and other well placed items hide his nakedness though much of his body can still be seen.
Character insisted naked man was doing a 'public service'.
Character offers clothes to Frosty to try on and he begins to take off the ones he currently was wearing. Top of underwear seen before zipping back up.
Woman stares at topless man's chest, then says 'if the girls could see me now' as the man tries to push her car out of a rut. She says the main character is lucky he is staying with her. She also says the man seems very good with his hands.
A group of ladies stares at the man and finds ways to keep him coming to keep looking at him.
Character is outside in sleeveless dress and Frosty tries to warm her up by rubbing her arms. This prompts an attempt at a kiss.
Someone hold up a picture of the naked character and all the ladies gather closer and gawk.
11 of 13 found this to have none
11 of 13 found this to have none
Son of a b***h, though not fully said.
9 of 13 found this to have none
11 of 12 found this to have none
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