The revelation at the end of season one, that the dead and hell-bound can return to life, further fuels the violent power struggle between the Government, led by Lee Su-gyeong (Moon Gun-yopung), The New Truth Society, a 'new-agey' church controlled by corrupt Chairman Kim Jeong-chil (Lee Dong-hee), the fanatical Arrowhead cult and their streaming frontman 'Pinwheel' (Kim Do-yoon ), and the secular Sodo, led by tough and resourceful attorney Min Hye-jin (Kim Hyun-joo). Alliances are formed and betrayed as the four groups fight for control of Park Jeong-ja (Kim Shin-rok) who, reborn after immolation and returned from hell, would be a powerful figurehead for any group claiming a monopoly on the truth. The story is interesting, the characters and acting good (I am watching with English subs), the action sequences well done, and the special effects adequate for the story. The plot-line continues season one's harsh socio-religious themes, as the terrifying supernatural events are quickly co-opted by increasingly influential and increasingly intolerant groups claiming to be the exclusive guardians of the of truth and the only gateways to salvation. Hopefully a third season will be green-lighted, the story is compelling. (*score and comment pertain to all six season 2 episodes)