A brief unforgettable scene in "Griselda" from one particular actor brought me to this surprisingly great short film. Name in question Christian
Gnecco Quintero, who has a distinguished career in other short films and some features, but I think after his exposure on the Netflix miniseries he'll get a lot
more coming. Lucky us.
He plays the title character, a very erratic but self-consident young actor trying to get the best jobs he can. But while they don't come, the
opportunity comes in the form of pulling a prank on a nasty lady and just give her some scare after some alleged wrongdoing.
Quintero's transitions
are amazingly done from the cocky performer who gives advice to a newcomer (Amr Nabeel) to later on his bizarre interactions with other people, always
with some change in his persona and appearance. Yet the Latin thug act was my favorite, menacing to the lady but the disguise doesn't hold for too long.
Besides the transition from comedy to more dark areas, "Flavio" tells a lot about the craft of acting and how some young actors can use outside of
their realm just to get something to eat. It's about struggles and hardships yet done in a funny and outrageous way that it can make you reflect on actors
who had embarassing early ways. And the experience is a lot more fascinating and well-accomplished by this incredible
young actor (Quintero, not Flavio) and all the changes he makes along the way. It's not a sympathetic character the one he plays, but one can have a lot of fun with him. And it's no surprise that it was such a powerful effort that his name is the one that comes first at the end credits. He's that good! 9/10.