2 of 2 found this to have none
Contains only infrequent very mild references. Some women emphatically grab their breasts when referring to breastfeeding, and a husband refers to his wife's breasts as "milkers". In order to comfort his postpartum wife, a husband compliments her "sexy ass". There is a scene in which a husband assists his wife in pumping her breasts for milk, however, the scene is sensitively handled, and the characters are only visible from the shoulders up. A couple briefly kiss on the mouth early in the film.
2 of 2 found this to have none
None of concern. A wife comically slaps her husband while he is asleep in order to wake him. Similar moments recur elsewhere in the film.
2 of 2 found this moderate
Contains occasional use of "fuck" and "motherfucker" throughout the film, as well as use of milder coarse language such as "asshole" and "shit", the latter in a crude context when a henna stain on a woman's dress leads others to believe that she soiled herself. The Turkish expletive "amina koydum" is uttered occasionally, but its literal meaning is not reflected in the English-language subtitles.
2 of 2 found this to have none
Contains infrequent recreational alcohol consumption throughout the film, including a comic scene where a man is attempted to be forced to drink from a flask by his friends, but he successfully resists.
2 of 2 found this mild
The film predominantly deals with the theme of postpartum life, which is sensitively handled in a comic context. A postpartum mother occasionally experiences comic hallucinations. There is a birthing scene early in the film, however, it lacks realistic detail. There is a scene of comic horror that takes place during a thunderstorm in which a husband fears that his wife may be possessed when he watches her crawling on the ground with smeared black eye makeup via a baby monitor.