It was already being made before The LEGO Movie. It had a nice plot about Homer wanting to live in a LEGO world forever with Lisa after she went out to a PG-13 film called The Survival Games with three slightly older girls, and a subplot about Bart having to rebuild Springfield Elementary School the way he wanted to before Skinner made him rebuild it the right way. Unfortunately, it doesn't really live up to its potential because - 1) Homer just says how he feels without really getting bored of doing the same things in the LEGO world, and 2) A film that was supposed to be a spoof of The Hunger Games was made too much to resemble Twilight by removing the child-murder aspect of the story.
That being said, I still found Brick Like Me to be a lot better than Barthood, especially when Bart came to help Homer in the climax, but it's still kind of sad how they both use a creative setup to get away with acting just as cliche as most bad modern episodes and have to tell us everything the characters feel with or without showing it.