The Pursuit of Truth is an eye opening film about adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse within the United States. This film interviews adult childhood sexual abuse victims/survivors in order to inform the audience of the hardships and process they must endure. The main focus of the film is on the legal process and how survivors are treated during the process. It is a daunting task for any victim to report and go through an approximate six-month process. Therefore, the main consensus of the survivors is that they want to feel empowered, not victimized during the legal process. This film will help any audience looking to become more educated on the topic, especially social workers. As for the cinematography of the film, it was shot in a documentary style that included, interviews, background music, and flashback images. In general, the film was well edited however, there were several instances where diegetic microphone sound could only be heard instead of the interviewee. Other than that, The Pursuit of Truth gave tremendous insight into adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse and educated the audience about speaking out for those who are silenced.