53 of 63 found this to have none
No sex and nudity just a girl whose pants are down.
A teenage girl wearing short shorts was forced to dance for an adult man.
19 of 38 found this moderate
People are beaten in scenes which include repeated crunchy blows, and which also feature blood in the aftermath.
Some of these scenes involve the use of improvised weapons (for example, a table leg).
A person's tongue is cut out, accompanied by a large blood spurt.
A character is forced to repeatedly slap the character's own face until blood trickles from the character's mouth.
There are emphasised scenes showing cuts and blood on bodies in the aftermath of violence.
26 of 32 found this mild
Mild bad language occurs ('shit', 'bastard'), as well as milder terms ('damn').
24 of 34 found this mild
There is some smoking cigarettes.
21 of 38 found this severe
There are several scenes of prolonged and sustained threat in which family members are menaced by a character.
Some scenes involve knife threat, and also contain sadistic elements.
A character stalks and threatens another character with a knife before chasing the another character into dangerous locations.
A character is forced to dance to the point of exhaustion.
A person involuntarily urinates and is subsequently humiliated by a menacing character.
A character turns on a gas tap and threatens to blow up a house and kill its occupants.