I am almost 60 years old, and I have probably seen upwards of 500 nature documentaries in my lifetime. Short of Planet Earth, which was as epic as is possible, this just might be the best one I've ever seen. It certainly is the best documentary I've seen about a specific clan. I felt like I was right there with them. Like I was feeling what they were feeling. Their fears, their hopes, their joys, their silly moments, and their terrifying moments. The cinematography is incomprehensively superb. At its most powerful moments, it is gut wrenching. As beautiful as some moments are, "at play in the Fields of the Lord," others are devastating. I wish the drive to wage organized, strategized war for nothing more than power were limited to our broken species. There are scenes that sent chills up my spine, because literally the only difference between what we are seeing and what we know has happened for millennia with humans, is the absence of shields and weapons Watching what happens despite the aggressors having all the food and space they need is pretty devastating. If only we could explain to them that we've decimated their numbers so terribly that they just can't afford to kill each other. In any event, difficult moments aside, you'll really want to watch this. It's the closest you could ever dream of coming to being inside a chimp society.