12 of 17 found this to have none
6 of 15 found this moderate
Frequent violence includes crunchy, sustained beatings and stylised fight scenes, often featuring bloody detail and use of improvised weapons such as sticks, bottles and pieces of metal.
A man cuts off his captive's finger with a pair of shears; however, the sequence is fleeting and limited in terms of visual detail.
Scenes involving domestic abuse include a short flashback in which a man kicks his cowering wife in front of their daughter, as well as subsequent scenes in which the abuser drunkenly berates family members for refusing to divulge the location of his wife and child.
We see a bloody gash on a child's neck after a villain knocks her to the ground.
There is also frequent sight of blood on people's faces and clothing in the context of violence, as well as moderately gory images of a shard of glass embedded in a person's cheek.
8 of 13 found this mild
Bad language includes 'bitch', 'bugger', 'bloody', 'shit', 'bullshit', 'screw', 'damn' and 'hell', in addition to partially obscured use of the term 'whore'.
5 of 14 found this mild
8 of 13 found this mild
There are scenes of moderate threat, including aggressive and threatening behaviour.