Damn, does anyone do fight action better than Korean dramatists? Maybe but I sure don't know yet. I'm impressed with the creative action all around. The relationship dynamics between uncle and niece are unique and in many ways very positive preparations for dealing with living in a crazy world where trust must be earned. There's more to survival than relying on basic instincts--making the most of what's available and focusing are right on target IMO. Interesting take on chosen / created families too. For all the violence issues of collateral damage/murder of noncombatants/civilians are raised. And the difference between psychopaths and rational humans who've made certain career choices--yeah, there IS a difference. Another thing to think about is all that firepower--all those weapons, drones and bombs--indeed there's a lot of it in our world right now. Scary. Still a very enjoyable guilty pleasure watching for what interesting action, character twist, idea concept is coming next. Oh that damn couch... love it.