67 of 95 found this to have none
No nudity.
In opening scene, the female character is seen in bed with a tank top, and the outline of her breasts and nipples are visible. The scene lasts a few seconds.
34 of 63 found this severe
A man and woman get into a car accident. Nothing graphic is shown, just a mark on the man's head is shown. After the accident, they start fighting. The woman strangles a man with a seatbelt, then the man pulls her hair back. But they both fall out of the car.
Two men fight. One man stabs the other repeatedly for 30 seconds whilst a woman watches. Very graphic.
A man kills a police officer with a hook. We see his gory head with bad cut on it. Then, the man repetadly stabs the police officer over and over again. This is offscreen. Only the axe going down is shown.
A woman threatens a man with a knife.
25 of 50 found this moderate
Many f-words.
21 of 45 found this mild
The whole film is about a woman that is injected with a paralytic drug.
23 of 48 found this moderate
All of the movie is intense because a man injects a woman with a paralytic drug and he hunts her down.