60 of 139 found this mild
Episode 6: End scene. Two men kissing and initiating sex.
Episode 7: Kisses between two men through out this episode.
Episode 8: Many people begin removing their clothes while celebrating at a bar. There is rear male nudity.
Episode 2: man and woman take clothes off in the office, his chest is shown, women sits on a desk, and intercourse is assumed.
25 of 48 found this severe
Every episode includes an instant of bloody violence.
Episode 8: A man stabs himself in the neck with extremely shocking bloody detail. Another sequence shows several people being shot down in a massacre.
27 of 50 found this severe
Frequent uses of "fuck" and a use of "cono" which means "cunt".
25 of 41 found this mild
Character is seen smoking cigarette.
17 of 36 found this moderate
Season One - Strong violence and coarse language.
Episode 1 - (M) - Mature themes, violence and coarse language.
Episode 4 - (MA15+) - Strong violence and coarse language.
Episode 6 - (MA15+) - Strong violence and a sex scene.