- Blofeld: Why did you come?
- James Bond: I came here to kill you.
- Blofeld: And I thought you came here to die.
- James Bond: Well, it's all a matter of perspective.
- Lucia Sciarra: If you don't leave now, we'll die together.
- James Bond: I can think of worse ways to go.
- Lucia Sciarra: Then you're obviously crazy, Mr...
- James Bond: Bond. James Bond.
- Madeleine: Why, given every other possible option, does a man choose the life of a paid assassin?
- James Bond: Well, it was that or the priesthood.
- C: Take a look at the world... chaos... because people like you, paper-pushers and politicians, are too spineless to do what needs to be done so I made an alliance to put the power where it should be, and now you want to throw it away for the sake of democracy, whatever the hell that is. How predictably moronic.
- [points gun at M]
- C: But then isn't that what 'M' stands for... 'moron'?
- [squeezes trigger, realizes the gun is unloaded]
- M: And now we know what 'C' stands for... 'careless'.
- James Bond: [Q hands Bond a watch] What does it do?
- Q: It tells the time. Might help with your punctuality issues.
- James Bond: M's idea?
- Q: Precisely. Oh, one word of warning, the alarm is rather loud... if you know what I mean.
- James Bond: I think I do.
- [Bond notices the shell of the DB5]
- Q: Oh, yes. That old thing is taking quite a bit of time. Mind you, there wasn't much left to work, only a steering wheel. I believe I said, "Bring it back in one piece," not, "Bring back one piece."
- [Q laughs at his own joke]
- James Bond: I was in a meeting recently, and your name came up.
- Mr. White: I'm flattered London is still talking about me.
- James Bond: It wasn't MI6... it was Rome.
- [reveals a Spectre ring]
- [at the clinic bar]
- Clinic Barman: Can I get you something, sir?
- James Bond: Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred.
- Clinic Barman: I'm sorry, we don't serve alcohol.
- James Bond: I'm already starting to love this place...
- Blofeld: Do you know what it is?
- Madeleine: It's a meteorite.
- Blofeld: Yes, exactly. The Kartenhoff, the oldest in human possession. The very meteorite which made this crater. Think about it: so many years up there, alone, silent, building momentum until it chose to make its mark on Earth. A huge unstoppable force.
- James Bond: Except it did stop, didn't it? Right here.
- Blofeld: You came across me so many times and yet you never saw me. Le Chiffre, Greene, Silva...
- James Bond: All dead.
- Blofeld: That's right. A nice pattern developed. You interfered in my world, I destroyed yours. Or did you think it was coincidence that all the women in your life ended up dead?
- Madeleine: Is this really what you want? Living in the shadows? Hunting, being hunted? Always alone?
- James Bond: I don't stop to think about it.
- [after shutting C out of his mainframe]
- M: Not a good feeling being watched, is it?
- C: Don't tell me you're responsible for this.
- M: No, but my quartermaster is and he's extremely talented.
- C: Oh, bravo. But in case you hadn't realized it, you two are out of a job so you're trespassing.
- M: I'm afraid you've got the wrong end of the stick, Max. We're going to stop this system going online, and then I'm going to bring you in.
- C: On what grounds, exactly?
- M: Poor taste in friends.
- Moneypenny: So what's going on, James? They say that Mexico was a step too far, that you're finished.
- James Bond: And what do you think?
- Moneypenny: I think you're just getting started.
- C: You can't tell me an agent in the field can last long against all those drones and satellites.
- M: Yes, you have information. You can find out all about a man, track him down, keep an eye on him. But you have to look him in the eye. All the tech you have can't help you with that. A license to kill also means a license NOT to kill.
- M: What's that?
- Moneypenny: [hiding a palmtop from James Bond] Just a gift. From an admirer.
- M: It's not your birthday, is it?
- Moneypenny: No.
- [M walks out the door]
- Moneypenny: That was last week.
- Blofeld: I've really put you through a lot, haven't I? Well, that's brothers for you: they always know which buttons to press.
- Lucia Sciarra: Did you kill my husband?
- James Bond: He was an assassin. He wouldn't have taken it personally.
- James Bond: You're a hard man to kill, Blofeld.
- [notices his scar]
- James Bond: Ouch. I do hope that doesn't hurt too much.
- Blofeld: My wounds will heal. What about yours?
- Oberhauser: [stroking a white cat] Franz Oberhauser died twenty years ago, James, in an avalanche alongside his father. A man you're talking to now, a man inside your head, is Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
- Q: May I remind you that I answer directly to M. I also have a mortgage and two cats to feed.
- James Bond: Well, then I suggest you trust me, for the sake of the cats.
- James Bond: [pointing his gun at a mouse] Who sent you? Who are you working for?
- [the mouse looks blankly at him and scurries off]
- James Bond: [over the phone] Who was that?
- Moneypenny: He's just a friend.
- James Bond: At this hour of the night?
- Moneypenny: It's called life, James. You should try it some time.
- Madeleine Swann: [given a gun] What if I shoot you by mistake?
- James Bond: It wouldn't be the first time.
- James Bond: Tell me where he is.
- Mr. White: He's everywhere. Everywhere! He's sitting at your desk, he's kissing your lover, he's eating supper with your family!
- Blofeld: You know what happens when a cuckoo hatches inside another bird's nest?
- Madeleine Swann: Yes. It forces the other eggs out.
- Blofeld: Yes. Well, this cuckoo made me realize my father's life had to end. In a way he's responsible for the path I took...
- [to Bond]
- Blofeld: So thank you, cuckoo!
- Clinic Barman: Here you are, sir. One prolytic digestive enzyme shake.
- James Bond: Do me a favor, will you? Throw that down the toilet. Cut out the middleman.
- Q: Well it's lovely to see you, 007. Lovely. Um, now I meant to tell you, the Smart Blood program is obviously still in its developmental phase. So we may experience the odd drop in coverage during the first 24 hours...
- [Bond glares at him]
- Q: 48 hours after administration, but after that it should work perfectly.
- [Bond smiles]
- James Bond: I'll send you a postcard.
- Q: Please don't.
- [hands Bond effects from Skyfall]
- Moneypenny: You've got a secret. Something you can't tell anyone, because you don't trust anyone.
- Blofeld: Torture is easy, on a superficial level. A man can watch himself being disemboweled and derive great horror from the experience, but it's still going on at a distance. It isn't taking place where it is. As you know all too well, dear Madeleine, a man lives inside his head. That's where the seed of his soul is. James and I were both present recently when a man was deprived of his eyes and the most astonishing thing happened, didn't you notice? He wasn't there anymore. He had gone even though he was still alive, so this brief moment between life and death, there was nobody inside his skull. Most odd.
- Madeleine Swann: I see you left this final question blank. What is your occupation.
- James Bond: Well, that's not the sort of thing that looks good on a form.
- Madeleine Swann: And why is that?
- James Bond: I kill people.
- [Bond points a gun at Blofeld]
- Blofeld: Finish it... Finish it!
- James Bond: [removes clip from gun] Out of bullets.
- [looks over at Madeleine]
- James Bond: And besides, I've got something better to do.
- Palazzo Guard: [to James] Ciao, Mickey Mouse!
- Madeleine Swann: Do you exercise?
- James Bond: When I have to.
- Madeleine Swann: Do you consider your employment to be psychologically stressful?
- James Bond: Sometimes.
- Madeleine Swann: How much alcohol do you consume?
- James Bond: Too much.
- M: [videotape] James: if anything happens to me, I want you to find a man named Marco Scarra. Kill him, and don't miss the funeral.