Forgetting for a moment that the entire premise outlined in episode 1 has been seen in enough television & movies that it makes one groan as it's delivered, the entire plot-line surrounding "the bullet" is 100% factually wrong. Sad really, because I saw the cast list and was excited to have found a show I'd missed on it's first run. Any idiot could google the bullet making process themselves. The writers should have stepped up to get it right rather than believing their viewers ignorant.
Firstly, there is no way to tell if a "bullet" ( and by this the writers mean "ammunition" or "round") is home-made. (FWIW, "Bullets" are the jacketed lead projectiles that forced out of the casing when the gun powder ignited). No one casts their own bullets these days unless they are shooting black powder firearms. - Like muskets. - "Jacketting" a bullet with copper would require hotter smelting than most people can achieve at home. Getting that coating on precisely is more difficult than it's worth - It's cheaper & easier to just buy bulk "bullets" if you're going to press your own rounds.
Secondly; Bullet presses don't create identifiable marks on the casing, bullet or crimp. They just don't - Bullet "dies" barely touch the bullet when the press comes down to seat the bullet & crimp the casing around the bullet. Bulled dies are, again, very precise in their construction and must withstand a LOT of pressure when a press is pulled.
Thirdly; No one "makes a home-made press". They are made of cast iron. They are heavy. They have to withstand a great amount of torque when the lever is pulled. Plus, the precision in engineering used to make a press is the reason company who make them charge a lot of money for them and are highly regarded. Besides which, no part of the "press" ever touches a bullet or casing. The only things that ever touch the round are the "seat" and the "die". - So, again, ridiculous premise.
I see the same sort of sloppy writing when a plot line involves computers. Sad really. Pure laziness on the part of writers. There's really no excuse in the 2020's.