This was a strange movie. One expects to understand why Deepak Chopra, certainly an influential author and thinker, came to be what he is. Instead we are promised a personal view of the man, intriguing enough. This is accomplished through the lens of a son and a family that appear resentful of the fact that Chopra's career takes all of his time and attention. It reminded me of the many stories about Picasso's family and how they suffered under the glare of his ambitious and driven desire to paint. The problem is that Gotham Chopra is, occasionally, simply mean. Gotham Chopra claims the father is driven to be relevant, no matter what. However, it is also appears here that Gotham desires prominence as well, through a tell-all film about the father he does not understand and whom he wishes to diminish. It is disturbing to confirm that men driven by a passion for art, science, etc., often cannot produce successful families, but it is even more disturbing to see the lack of respect and compassion of the son for the father. We are expected to conclude that the son's actions are justified by the purported neglect of the father.However, Deepak Chopra must have acquiesced with the production and publication of this film, for the sake of the son, even though it aims to demolish his professional image. By the way, in this regard, it is so one-sided, it fails. Even in the casual comments, Deepak Chopra remains coherent with his philosophy of life. Gotham Chopra should take distance from the father, and start his own road. He seems like a gifted man. He does not need his father, one way or another.