Plot Summary |
Six women are presented, none of which is wholly satisfied with the single life but, nevertheless, represent attitudes, problems and satisfactions of single women. Judy LaMarsh, Minister of Canada's Health and Welfare Department, and the highest ranking woman in politics. She speaks about how a woman in politics is regarded; her social life; the drawbacks of being single; her ability to easily trade in politics for a husband. Eve Law, a busy working woman who was once married for six years, explains how she has no time for men. Violet Cook, a partner in one of Canada's largest stock brokerages, Doherty, Roadhouse and McCuaig Brothers, speaks about how she is able to fit into her male dominated working environment. She also explains how married women have difficulties in understanding single women. Joyce Davidson, a television personality and commentator, discusses how the double standard is an advantage; how married women regard single women as a threat; the trade-off between femininity and identity. David Susskind airs his views on women as being the superior race, over a game of pool with Davidson. Johanne Harrell, a model and actress, explains her main concern as that of being loved. Ene Riisna speaks on how she never wishes to be married and how she loves being single despite the occasional bouts of loneliness. To her, marriage would end the surprises of life.
Written by ArchiviaNet