The first 5 minutes in this special is filled with too many cuts and they made me confuse. I did not get what the people were laughing at, was it a cut content or was it something that this comedian just said? I did not understand what was the audience was laughing at, until he said he is a member of a somewhat famous comedy show. You know, imagine a show where one member is well known for being funny and all the rest of the cast there gets a funnier in a higher degree because they share the same show, even though they are not actually funny, that is the case here.
The special has 75, the first 9 are a boring and too long introduction of the show, he feints he is about to explain what is the meaning behind the name of the show and comes up with another story on how smart it was to pick that name - at least the audience found it funny, can't tell, too many cuts - , so he keeps on telling stories that are not funny and I got to the 30 minutes mark without laughing at a single joke, and I finally gave up.