Gayby (2012) was written and directed by Jonathan Lisecki. The movie stars Jenn Harris as Jenn, a thirties-something straight woman, and Matthew Wilkas as Matt, a gay man who has been Jenn's best friend since college.
Jenn has been hoping to meet the right man, get married, and conceive a child. Unfortunately, the plan isn't working. Matt has broken up with his long-time partner, and isn't over the pain yet.
Jenn suggests a biologically and psychologically reasonable plan. Rather than waiting for Mr. Right, she'll conceive a child with Matt as the father. However, Jenn is into natural healing and natural methods, so she tells Matt she wants to conceive the child the "old-fashioned" way. Not an appealing option for Matt--he's definitely gay, not bisexual. Still, he agrees to the plan.
The plot of the movie is developed from this premise. The ensuing complications are very funny, sometimes in a bittersweet way. While Jenn and Matt are working on the conception plan, new lovers come and go, friendships are formed and broken, promises are made and kept or not kept.
Director Lisecki has taken the bold step of using an actor--Jenn Harris--who isn't an incredibly gorgeous woman. (Jennifer Aniston could play the role perfectly, but then the movie wouldn't work.) Jenn Harris looks like a person who could be your friend, or, for that matter, your yoga instructor. (She may teach yoga in real life, but, even if she doesn't she's obviously had experience with it.) Harris is an excellent actor, and so is Matthew Wilkas. The supporting cast--including Lisecki himself-- is highly competent. The dialog is witty, the characters are endearing, and the movie is very enjoyable.
This is a film worth seeking out and seeing. We saw it at the Dryden Theatre as part of the extraordinary ImageOut--the Rochester LGBT Film & Video Festival.