395 of 576 found this severe
Crude sexual references are rarely made. But when they show up they can be explicit and go on par with movies like "The Hangover". Nevertheless, they're somewhat and are used for comedic effect. Every time they are in cutscenes, they can be skipped at the will of the player.
Michael draws a penis as a joke, very easy to miss.
In the loading screen, there can sometimes (but almost always) be a woman wearing a bikini. If you're playing on the PS5 remaster, you will always see the woman.
Trevor is sometimes half naked in his underwear through you do not see anything.
Many sex jokes and references are heard on the news and the advertisements on the radio. Almost every billboard has some sort of innuendo.
There are interactable strip clubs in-game (optional). You can get private lap dances from strippers in the club, during the lap dance there's breasts female nudity (only in the campaign) The player can choose to take her home after the dance and have sex with her. Graphic sexual audio plays while the actual act isn't shown.
There is an optional prostitution system in the game. The more you pay the hooker, the worse it gets. If you pay a lower amount, she will give you a blowjob. This is done from the players point of view, so we only see a head bobbing up and down on our lap, along with loud moaning, and dirty talk. ( "It's so big, What's your dirtiest fantasy, etc.") If you pay more, we see the girl get onto your lap, and then the camera changes to outside the vehicle, and you just hear moaning and dirty talk. No nudity.
Several female characters are mentioned as having been (or are implied to have been) prostitutes.
It's implied Floyd is insecure about the size of his penis, Trevor pulls his pants down and goes, "mine ain't nothing special, see?" When he pulls down his pants we see his buttocks and when he bends over we are able to see his testicles and flaccid penis for two brief moments.
There is a cult in the mountains called the Altruist. Some of the members, all older males, spawn totally naked, and their full genitalia are visible.
287 of 372 found this severe
You can kill people as you wish but you will face the consequences for your behavior, which is what happens pretty much in real life, and the violence here is extremely graphic and is realistic, not helped by the fact that this game has incredibly realistic and highly detailed graphics that make the violent content look more "in-your-face", although the graphics are really nice to look at.
Much more violent than its predecessors.
Pretty much the entire game is filled with violence, which can be petty gory at times. Shootouts are very frequent and when they occur they are quite intense and contain some gore.
Unlike Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA V does not feature dismemberment. However the violence here is much more frequent
Shooting someone with a shotgun or a minigun is much more bloody than other weapons used in online and story mode.
The violence can be compared to that of the 1991 film "Boyz in da Hood", though that doesn't make it any less strong.
While nowhere as violent as "Red dead redemption 2", which is way more violent and gorier, the violence is more frequent, as said before.
There are only a small handful of moments where any gore can be seen. The game mostly contains shootouts with splattering blood but no dismemberment. The parts that DO have gore are mainly for comic effect.
M violence type: blood, gore and graphic.
Combat is strong while some cut scenes can be brutal.
317 of 369 found this severe
1049 f words. A lot of it is on cutscenes that can be skipped. The campaign is also 30 hours long, which makes it not as frequent. (most profane game in the whole series) This count DOES NOT include NPC's saying swears which adds on many more F-words.
Name-calling and insults will be common for most players.
In both the campaign and online you can flip people off.
Trevor is the character who swears the most in the game.
Just about every swear word in the dictionary is used in this game.
There are 10 instances of "cunt" in the story mode. 6 of them are used in main missions, 2 are said in a side mission and there is a billboard with the word on it.
The N word is constantly used by Franklin and Lamar.
The radio stations in this game are uncensored so expect strong language (including the n-word)
Severely strong language throughout of the game, as well as racial slurs.
Some comedic strong language.
259 of 323 found this severe
Characters can buy drugs (weed, haddish, tranquilizers, cocaine, meth, mushrooms, etc;) and sell them (Online Only)
Lots of drug use and references, including tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants, etc.
GTA has an online mode that excludes multiple instances of drug use as it's mostly in the cut scenes. While your in the game mode you can not purchase or sell drugs although people can be seen drinking and or smoking on the footpaths of the map.
Optional drug use in online mode
The player can drunk-drive, but this will result in the police chasing them.
A main character is a large scale drug dealer. There are many parts that take place in meth labs, negotiating crystal meth and cocaine sales, along other things.
When you call your assistant to ask for a 5000GTA$ Luxury Helicopter, you can drink champagne. After about 3-4 drinks the screen starts to become distorted, so does the voices, traffic etc... Eventually after 2-3minutes, it wears off.
If you go in Jimmy's room you can find his bong which the player can use, this will result in the player's character getting disoriented. However this is only optional and the player is not required to do this.
There are a few missions involving drug trades and deals.
The many use of alcohol, drugs and smoking is also featured many times throughout the bulk of the game.
188 of 323 found this severe
It should be mentioned that this game is 10 years old, but it is still VERY graphic at times.
Overall, this game is much rougher than its predecessors. And the content is very strong when speaking of language, drug use, and violence.
The violence in this game is pretty intense. However, the tone is generally very goofy and comedic.
The game features a mode called online which lets you interact with your friends or other players.
You can remove the nudity and cussing by skipping the cut scenes and avoiding places that require nudity and cussing. Doing this makes it almost on par with red dead redemption 2.
The character Trevor Phillips is quite frightening, being an unhinged, brutal maniac who is an utterly remorseless and unrelentingly evil mass murderer, has plenty of violent mood swings, commits all sorts of heinous crimes for fun, and absolutely revels in the sheer brutality and cruelty of his actions. Although most of it is done for black comedy, this can be highly disturbing for some.
Players can purchase various types of firearms, stabbing weapons, explosives, and other weapons at gun stores which are commonly found around the map. Additionally, in online mode, there is a "Gun Van" that sells exclusive, even more violent tools, as well as normal ones at discounted prices.
Older players in story mode may make use of heavy machine guns, tear gas, and C4 to carry out terrorist attacks.
Discrimination of minorities is commonplace in this game, and the player can sometimes hear NPCs saying that they only listen to white rappers. Additionally, several characters express anti-Canadian sentiment.
Sharks are featured on the borders of the map, which can be scary for most people going out to swim in that area at night especially.