158 of 466 found this moderate
Multiple sex scenes. Full side of woman's breast.
A bathtub scene shows a male & female together for several minutes. No Nudity.
Revealing clothes.
At 20:30 in theres several shots of a strip club with women in underwear. Several seconds later a character walks through the club and you see similar content.
Two characters kiss around 49 minutes in, there is a sex scene, a cut to another scene, then another sex scene in a bathtub that last for a couple minutes.
74 of 143 found this mild
Shooting, Hand to Hand Combat. Very little blood.
A person is shot and killed offscreen.
We see various depictions of hitmen from cinema shooting or strangling people.
In-depth conversation about murder, reason for murder, and disposal of a corpse.
79 of 155 found this severe
80+ uses of f**k.
25+ uses of sh*t.
77 of 103 found this mild
Minor Social Drinking.
References of doing drugs.
A man jokes about doing cocaine. Someone falls unconscious as a result of being drugged. We hear a reference to a drug deal. Characters smoke cigars or cigarettes. People drink beer, and a guy drinks from a flask.
68 of 114 found this to have none
Audience may kind it disturbing how some characters contemplate or carry out violence or murder. This is a theme throughout the movie and gets darker towards the end of the film.