This film is rather difficult to review without giving too much away. It was recommended to me by none other than Ewen MacIntosh who made a name for himself as Big Keith in the original British version of The Office. He said that the main character reminded him of me. I read the synopsis on IMDb and discovered that the main character is a recently released mental patient dependent on anti-psychotic medication who kidnaps a female co-worker and takes her on a traumatic joy ride. Ewen loves to flatter me.
As I watched the film, I got the feeling that Ewen only recommended it to get back at me for recommending a film called ABSENTIA which I thoroughly enjoyed (even though there was one particularly ludicrous aspect to it and it doesn't really go anywhere) but which he described as, and I quote, "dross". By the end of the flick I realised that he probably wasn't trying to get revenge on me. HEMORRHAGE is an above average thriller with some half-decent acting, an unsettling atmosphere, a couple of unexpected surprises and a fast enough pace to keep you tuned in. Without giving too much away, I'd probably describe it as a David Lynch Cheese Dream with a slight element of FIGHT CLUB. I've only given it 6/10 but Ewen MIGHT give it at least an extra star. Having said that, I'd only recommend this film to major horror fanatics who are desperate for something vaguely watchable. You could do a lot worse than HEMORRHAGE.
Feel free to check out my IMDb lists, specifically the one entitled "HORROR/THRILLER: Obscure, Overlooked & Underrated".