pains me to say this - but this documentary tell me nothing of factual value.
I will desist from commenting on the production values as I know this was done on the cheap and put out there for free - however, better documentaries have been done for less - and with greater impact.
Now, when I watched this program, I couldn't help thinking that this documentary is akin to feeding a death row inmate, his final supper of zero nutrition burger and Coke - as in, it might satisfy a craving, but will not make the inmate's situation any better - especially so when the metaphorical death row is the severe financial crisis that the less fortunate proles are experiencing, while the party seems to be going on for a fair proportion of the middle class Greeks.
The crises in Ellada (and Portugal, Ireland, Spain so far) cannot be explained away using subjective and spurious notions of odious debt, Debt Audits, Ecuador etc.
All this document would do, if it were successful, is to give the credulous viewer false hope.
If Greeks really want to get to the nub of the problem, they should first do some honest soul searching, then mobilise and search for a leader with integrity and then get this new leader to sort out internal corruption, starting with tax evasion and finger pointing.
Loosen the grip that the corrupt church has on your souls and rationalise your existence - this might help you to get to the real root of the problem - the darkness within our own souls! God is not going to sort this mess - only you, sans your politicians...