143 of 433 found this moderate
Claire Underwood has multiple affairs throughout the show. Sex scenes are shown in every affair she has.
One man and woman having sex in very first episode, nudity is not shown but this scene is very sexually explicit.
Season 2 contains a scene with nude images and a sex scene containing a man with a bag on his head.
Heavy to moderate sexual content throughout including heterosexual, homosexual, lesbian, group, fellatio, cunnilingus, aided-manual, among others, and while actual nudity is limited, the acts leave little to the imagination.
63 of 160 found this moderate
Frank and Claire kill people, and order people killed throughout the show to gain political power in the White House. Some murders are gruesome and shocking.
Heated arguments mostly, but extremely infrequently violence has broken out.
71 of 149 found this moderate
Infrequent uses of "fuck" throughout.
Words like "shit", "damn", "asshole", "Jesus Christ!" as well as "goddamn" and "hell" have been used throughout
81 of 129 found this moderate
Some of the main characters frequently smoke cigarettes, struggles with alcohol use are a recurring theme and the recreational use of cocaine and marijuana have been depicted, albeit negatively.
63 of 122 found this moderate
The score maintains an intense feel throughout.