Stanley makes a plan to abduct and kill the Tattlers. However, Elsa has her own plan for getting rid of the sisters. Meanwhile, Dandy selects his first victim.
Jimmy wallows in self-pity, and Dandy sets out to destroy the man who deprived him of the twins. Meanwhile, Desiree meets an old flame, and Elsa and Stanley track the Tattlers.
A death at the camp causes Elsa to seek out a new home for Pepper. Meanwhile, Desiree has enough of Dell's failure as a husband, and Stanley lends Jimmy a hand.
A traveling salesman named Chester convinces Elsa to hire him as a magician for the show. The twins set their sights on the newcomer, while Dell and Eve help Jimmy escape.
The freaks exact poetic justice after learning of Stanley's sins. Maggie tries to make amends with Jimmy, and Dandy tells the Tattlers some troubling information about Chester.
Dandy prepares for his debut performance. The Tattlers contemplate marriage, while in Hollywood, Elsa discovers she's further from love than ever before.