I just finished watching "The Crown Jewels" and i find it absolutely gorgeous. A great example of European cinema. Beautiful decors, deep and meaningful story line, unexpected turns and amazing acting game. The movie is kind of dark (not surprising, according to the fact that this is a Scandinavian movie). The characters are very complicated - they wavering between love and hate,they got angry at the world, deeply unhappy, each of them stuck into his/ hers personal hell.But you still could find everything in it - hope, desperation and the forgiveness...after all. Things change in every brief moment...and life goes on.. Beautiful actress Alicia Vikander (as Fragancia) did amazing performance, as always. I don't understand why "The Crown Jewels" is rated so low in IMDb ,this movie deserves much more then 5.8 I only hope they didn't really kill poor little bunny because of this movie...