Really great Doc by Mia Donovan. The documentary takes place over the span of 7 years. It shows the ups and downs of Lara Roxx. It's a powerful study of a person and an ex-pornstar. Lara's character study is a great delineation of how a lot of women get into porn. Lara is also incredibly smart too. The way Lara articulates things is almost on this brilliant existential level. Lara (Pascale) could have been an amazing author I think. She has a lot to say about things.
Unfortunately her drug abuse was always her crutch--as the film so brilliantly shows us. What Lara may have accomplished if she would have just been slightly different. But at the same time, she accomplished a lot with getting the message out there about HIV, and she did a lot of good with that. She is one of the well known fighters--who used to be in porn--against HIV.
William Marigold stated that it wasn't the porn industry's fault that she got HIV. In a sense, he's right and also wrong about this at the same time. After the 1998 HIV outbreak in porn happened--that 'should' have ended any further outbreaks from happening from there on out...However, life still does happen. If someone is in the military--there is a chance of death. If someone is a fireman--there is a chance of getting burned...and the same rule applies with a pornstar unfortunately.
And there is a truth to what that one woman said in the film. People should know that if they are going to get into porn, it is more than likely they will get herpes; they do not always test for that (which time is money and they know they may never get to shoot the scene if every single performer keeps popping up with a positive herpes test. Ergo that is why it is 'not' tested some of the time and even a lot of the time).
But again, Lara was really brilliant and she did do a lot of good after what happened to her. And as I stated, I think she would be an incredible writer. Well done to Mia Donovan. Great documentary!
It's interesting, when I saw 'American Movie', I asked myself, 'How did Chris Smith know that Mark Borchardt would be fascinating...How did he know?' And I ask myself that same question with this film, 'How did Mia Donovan know that Lara Roxx would be fascinating.'