Craig Owens is now a dad, struggling with parental duties, he gets help from an old friend. The Cybermen are in town.
There have been some really poor episodes in Series 6, let's kill Hitler was terrible, and this isn't far off. I wasn't sure about James in the Lodger, and it's the same vibe in this one, I can't tell if he fits in or not. Rather small scale invasion from the Cybermen, they've gone from battling daleks and trying to invade Earth, to trying to get into a department store.
The best thing about Closing Time I'd say is Matt Smith's performance, he's zany, fun and bursting with energy. I did enjoy the fun being made out of the emotional journeys on Britain's got talent. Also nice to see Nurse Gladys Emanuelle.
This did not need an appearance by Amy, we finally feel like we've got a break, and in she strolls. Zzzzzz Even the Doctor hides!! I bet Coty make that celebrity fragrance!!
Moffat hasn't got a clue what to do with the Cybermen, this and the later fiasco are both awful, and suited to the very youngest of viewers. The Cybermen presented zero threat, The Happiness Patrol's Fifi would have been more terrifying!!
Best bit comes at the end, River is recounting the Doctor's final days, but Madam Kovarian turns up with the Silence and space suit, it's a hugely dark moment, so different from the rest of the episode.
Pretty disappointing, 5/10.