This movie is internationally known as "The Butcher of Prague", whereby events start somewhere in 1939. This when Prague was already under Nazi control (note: it was in March 1939 that the nazis took control of Sudetenland).
Based partially on true events, this movie is historically relevant in telling the story of what happened in a Czech village named "Lidice". If you are unaware of the facts that occured in this village during WW2, I suggest you watch this movie. To prevent giving away spoilers, I will only say that whilst writing this in 2023 - 80 years after the events occured - there are still newborn daughters that are given the name "Lidice". If this doesn't show how impressive the story is, I don't know what will be...
Before watching this movie, I personally had no clue what "Lidice" stood for. And this is pretty amazing seeing my interest in WW2 content, whereby I even curate a list of 200+ of the best movies and shows about WW2.
I have to admit that at some times, the movie lacks in pacing. I also think that the acting could have been better. Seeing what happens, I would also expect to see way more emotion in people. But after watching the complete movie, I consider this a minor thing. I was just too stunned to learn about the facts that occured in Lidice.
The props, vehicles, clothes, weapons etc. Were all excellent, making all scenes very convincing: I really had the impression watching WW2 events.
Overall, I think that this movie deserves a score of 6.5, resulting in a 7-star IMDb rating. However, this score does not take into account that I won't ever forget what "Lidice" stands for. Because if I had to score this movie on how it is able to show how cruel the Nazi regime was, this movie would deserve a score of 10/10.