This TV show happens to be very good in my opinion.
I've been reading some reviews on this show and I'm so saddened to see people just go and bash this show for some pretty stupid reasons. I'm not saying the show can't be a bit corny at times with the dialogue, but other than that, I think it's very well thought out, paced show with characters that are very dynamic.
I gained a lot of respect for this show mostly because of the point that it showcases a variety of races instead of just having everyone be white with a splash of other races as minor characters. It's a refreshing change of pace to see the main character (Jason) being a black guy, who, yeah, is hip hop, but is a very bright and artistic guy with great leadership skills. The other characters are all very real, some stereotypical and some fit different molds, but isn't that how life is? I know a lot of people bash the show because they have the black people speaking in hip hop terms sometimes, but don't some black people speak with slang in real life sometimes? So what's the big deal? But, moving on....I also respect the plot line of "kids with superhero powers and responsibilities" and trying to balance their lives with this new and un-welcomed secret identity. It's very well paced and even though all three characters aren't best buddies when it starts, now being so many episodes in, it's very believably gradual of how Zevo-3 grows to be a real team. Also, the script and plot take a lot of serious turns that are very exciting. The new development with Jason's parents and everything else is very inviting and gives the story a lot of depth.
So, all and all, I'm saying the check the show out and stop listening to the people saying the show is stupid because the black people are being portrayed in a racist way because they speak hip hop. I'm black myself, and I can honestly say I've never been offended by the show.
Good show, great and realistic characters, well scripted and thought out plot. 8/10.