3 of 4 found this to have none
3 of 5 found this severe
Very violent fights which usually ends with a large splat of blood or worse.
After Dracko defeats his opponents he cripples or kills them; After beating a sparring partner, Dracko proceeds to break his nose violently, Dracko also kills a fighter by breaking his neck after crippling him.
A fighter performs a gruesome fatality, he rips his opponent's eye out before eating it and performing a sidekick after swallowing.
2 of 5 found this moderate
Many uses of major profanities; fu*k, sh*t, as*, and bullsh*t are the most prominent ones and are used very frequently.
2 of 4 found this mild
Some characters have drinks such as wine.
2 of 4 found this moderate
A large plot of the story is that a few characters' family is kidnapped. When they show the scenes of the kidnapped family members, they're in a dark and shabby jail cell.
Scenes that include Dracko are usually intense, he often brutalizes training partners and opponents.