292 of 355 found this to have none
A man says that another man was drunk in a bar and was "hitting on" a young woman.
A woman lies in a bathtub (we only see her bare knees and shoulders).
There is a reference to a man and a woman having sex in a brothel.
A man claims the sound of a distant battle is giving him an erection.
A central female character is dressed in a pair of form fitting jeans throughout the film that emphasize her buttocks. The camera often lingers.
225 of 260 found this severe
A suicide bomber runs into a crowd of police and civilians. Bodies are seen flying in slow motion, and the aftermath is shown with bloody and deformed bodies littered on the ground. Not much of it is shown graphically but still disturbing.
A character has flashbacks of their time in war, including seeing a man be set on fire which is lingered on for 10 or so seconds and also various people being shot with some blood shown.
A man is shot during a gunfight and blood is shown. He is dragged for help, and the wound is shown graphically spurting in closeup. A character tries to help with lots of blood shown on his hands, clothing and surroundings but the man dies. This is very bloody and stressful to watch and is a very realistic representation of the horrors of war.
A character falls into a giant mass grave of a hundred or so dead bodies. A decent amount of blood is shown but nothing too graphic, but still very disturbing.
A character is shot in the stomach while driving away from someone shooting. The impact is offscreen, but a lot of blood can be seen on their shirt. They are seen the next morning with even more blood around them, having died. The bloody car seat is then washed.
An extended battle sequence features many people being shot and killed, often accompanied by brief blood spurts but not held on graphically.
Three men with bags over their head are gunned down with a machine gun, littering them in bullet wounds which is depicted in slow motion. The excited and obsessed face of his shooter is shown. This scene is bloody and disturbing to watch.
A man is seen on the road with a gunshot wound in his head and blood and brain matter next to him. This is seen quite a lot but mostly from a distance.
A shirtless man is bound with a car tire, doused in gasoline, and lit on fire. We see this in closeup and in slow motion, his skin begins to whiten/melt under the flames before it finally cuts away.
There is a vividly disturbing and explicit image of a man being lit on fire and burned to death. This is shown in slow motion over an extended period and is one of the most shocking images of the film.
155 of 245 found this severe
Several uses of "Fuck", "shit", "bastard" and "damn" throughout.
Middle finger gestures.
Well over 50 F-WORDS and other profanities.
159 of 226 found this mild
People drink and smoke.
People share cannabis joints.
191 of 245 found this severe
A woman is haunted by the acts of violence and suffering she has seen throughout her journalistic career and has flashbacks to some of the disturbing events to which she bore witness.
Frequent tense and suspenseful sequences.
All combat sequences feature a sound work, especially in gunshots and explosions, that make them much more intense and realistic.
The film as a whole is extremely intense, dark, suspenseful and realistic, as it dwells pretty heavily on the horrors of war as many innocents, soldiers and hostages are killed left and right and the United States is torn apart by the ensuing chaos.