With five episodes gone, what do we make of the new Doctor Who, his companion Amy, and this two-episode story? The story was what we've come to expect: set up a scary situation, which plays on a typical childhood fear (in this case, fear of the dark); plant Amy (and a couple of others) in dangerous/vulnerable situations so that viewers can empathise with her fear; have the Doctor rush around madly making decisions at a moment's notice; and have the situation rescued at the end by an event that's scientifically barely plausible. Oh, and keep the special effects low-budget.
All the above makes the story sound dreadful. In fact it was pretty good, partly through some well-handled plot twists, and partly by designing antagonists who can be thoroughly scary with no more special effects than a few flickering lights. There's also a character from a (much) earlier episode who re-appears, who is more than a match for the Doctor in the banter stakes. Oh, and there's a 'surprise' scene at the end, which I did expect to occur, but not this early in the series -- and the exit line from that scene is once again implausible, yet unexpected enough to make the story engaging.
The new Doctor is ... in short, he's manic-depressive, with the odd bout of compassion. Matt Smith is therefore rarely in danger of over-acting! Matt pulls it off well, but there are times when I just wish the Doctor would calm down and think about a decision for at least ten seconds before making it.
Amy comes across as a good mixture of feisty and yet fearful. She joins in the banter, and hasn't let out any spine-chilling screams yet, so if/when she does, I think they'll be very powerful.
Terry Pratchett recently described the science in Dcotor Who episodes as "paper-thin", and regretted that it was classified as "science fiction". I would prefer to see less wildly implausible scientific events in Doctor Who. But all in all, not bad at all.