Where to start?
So the film is my passion, I love to watch a good or even mediocre one, BUT this was just awful. It may have a good intentions, but I can't see it.
It started like a typical educational documentary with a promise to cast a light on the struggles of disabled people and I was all for it! But instead of doing that it just focused on a narcissistic Bill Shannon ( the main character ). The movie follows him as he sets up his 'performances'. Witch is just him intentionally falling over, in a public space, with his crutches, then when people try to help him he shows that he can get up alone and then then angry that people thought that he needed help. You may think that he just wants to show that disabled people can be amazing and overcome their disadvantages. I would disagree because he does his 'performances' with the intention to look like a victim and then attacks and tries to make well-intentioned people evil villains.
The whole movie is just about him. How he is 'amazing', 'inspiring', 'just perfect'...
I think that this is probably the worst film I've ever watched!!