Halloween (2018) Poster

(I) (2018)

Virginia Gardner: Vicky



  • Julian : I hear you telling your friends to come over here and you're gonna smoke some weed.

    Vicky : No, no.

    Julian : That alakazam?

    Vicky : Julian, I'm talking about like, a... you know, like a magic trick. Abracadabra!

    Julian : I know you're talking about smoking weed. Don't lie to me. That's against the rules, I'm telling my mom.

    Vicky : Well, I'm gonna tell your mom about your browser history.

    Julian : You better not.

  • Julian : I saw someone in the hallway, standing outside my door.

    Dave : What's up, buddy?

    Julian : There was a fucked-up face, watching me from the dark.

    Dave : Ghosts and goblins, little buddy?

    Julian : Shut up, Dave! I heard him breathing, and then I saw him. He's in here. Boogeyman's in this house.

    Vicky : Okay. All right. Come on, I got you. Let's check it out.

    Julian : Send Dave first.

  • Allyson : Everyone in my family, like, turns into a nutcase this time of year.

    Vicky : If I were you guys, I wouldn't celebrate either. I would just put up a Christmas tree instead. Skip over all the creepy Halloween shit, right? Does your grandma ever talk about it?

    Allyson : Yeah, it's pretty much all she talks about. It defines her life. She's been traumatized ever since.

    Dave : Wasn't it her brother who, like, cold-blooded murdilated all those teenagers?

    Allyson : No. That's just a bit that some people made up to make them feel better, I think.

    Vicky : I mean, that is scary to have a bunch of your friends get butchered by some random crazy person.

    Dave : Is it, though? Because, all things considered, there's a lot worse stuff that's happening today. And like, I mean, what, a couple people getting killed by one guy with a knife is not that big of a deal.

    Vicky : Dude, her grandmother was almost fucking murdered.

    Dave : And she escaped, and they caught him, and now he's incarcerated. I-I'm just saying, like, by today's standards...

    Vicky : Just shut the fuck up, Dave. Shut up.

  • Dave : I went and got this tattoo. Because tonight is tonight, the one we'll remember for the rest of our lives.

    Vicky : You are so getting dry-fucked tonight.

    Dave : Oh, yeah?

    Vicky : Fuckin' come here.

    [kisses Dave] 

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