Halloween (I) (2018)
Jefferson Hall: Aaron Korey
Laurie Strode : You don't believe in the Boogeyman?
Aaron Korey : I believe in Michael Myers, a deranged serial killer, but the Boogeyman? No.
Laurie Strode : Well, you should.
Aaron Korey : We're here to investigate a patient that killed three innocent teenagers on Halloween, 1978. He was shot by his own psychiatrist and taken into custody that night, and has spent the last forty years in captivity.
Laurie Strode : The bus crashed.
Officer Hawkins : Michael Myers escaped.
Aaron Korey : He returned to Haddonfield. His home.
Dana Haines : Michael Myers is a human being who killed his sister when he was six years old. Then he came after you. We just want to know why. We want a glimpse inside his mind. That's why your story's so important.
Laurie Strode : My story?
Aaron Korey : Two failed marriages. Rocky relationship with your daughter and granddaughter.
Laurie Strode : Michael Myers killed five people... and he's a human being we need to understand? I'm twice divorced... and I'm a "basket case".
Aaron Korey : They're transferring him.
Laurie Strode : Tomorrow, 7:30.
Dana Haines : He'll be locked away until the end of days.
Laurie Strode : That's the idea.
Dana Haines : Let's talk about when the state came to take away your daughter away. She was 12 years old. They said you were an unfit mother. How long until you regained custody?
Laurie Strode : [long beat] I didn't. But you already knew that.
Aaron Korey : Laurie, we saw him. We met with Michael. I showed him the mask. There was nothing. No response. Nothing. He won't talk to anyone. Never has, but... I think he might speak with you. So, why don't you sit down with him and say all the things you must be longing to say. Come with us, and let us help you free yourself. Please.
Laurie Strode : [opens the door] Time's up. I'll accept my payment. Get out.
Aaron Korey : [Driving in their car, recording on his tape recorder] Okay. Well. Having witnessed the animal in it's captive state and failed to provoke any sort of response, we now track down it's counterpart. Could it be that one monster has created another? And, although, iron bars and barbed wire that separate them are strong and sharp, the metaphysical lines are blurred and slight. Both exist in isolation, fettered by their own fear and hatred of one another. Could it be that the only hope of rehabilitation is through confrontation?
Dana Haines : [Reading the sign on Laurie's front gate] "Access has been denied. Private Property. No Trespassing". You might need this.
[She hands Aaron an envelope]
Aaron Korey : [Opening the envelope to find money] Dana, journalists don't pay for their interviews.
Dana Haines : [Noticing a security camera] Smile. We're on camera.
[Aaron rings the buzzer]
Laurie Strode : [Responding through the buzzer] Yes.
Aaron Korey : Yes. Um... we're looking for Laurie Strode.
[No response from Laurie]
Aaron Korey : We're, uh, um... we're... we're... making a podcast and...
Dana Haines : We're investigative journalists.
Aaron Korey : If you have a moment. We traveled a very long way.
[Still no response]
Dana Haines : How does $3000 sound?
[Laurie unlocks the gates and allows Aaron and Dana on through]
Dana Haines : [after ringing the doorbell and Laurie unlocks the front door] Hello.
Aaron Korey : May we come in and sit down and talk?
Dana Haines : [Sitting down with Laurie, turning on their tape recorder] So, Aaron and I have made several award-winning public radio exposés. Our last project shed new light on a murder case from 20 years ago. We like to re-examine incidents with an unbiased lens. I believe there's a lot to learn from the horrors you experienced.
Laurie Strode : There's nothing to learn. There are no new incites or... discoveries.
Aaron Korey : So, is he real?
Laurie Strode : Who?
Aaron Korey : The boogeyman. I read you quoted...
Laurie Strode : --You don't believe in the boogeyman?
Aaron Korey : I believe in Michael Myers, deranged serial killer. But... the boogeyman, no.
Laurie Strode : Well, you should.
Aaron Korey : Okay.
Dana Haines : Michael Myers is a human being, who killed his sister when he was 6-years-old... and he came after you. We just want to know why. We want a glimpse inside his mind. That's why your story is so important.
Laurie Strode : My story?
Aaron Korey : Two failed marriages. Rocky relationship with your daughter and... granddaughter.
Laurie Strode : Michael Myers murdered 5 people... and he's a human being we need to understand? I'm twice divorced... and I'm a basket case.
Aaron Korey : They're transferring him.
Laurie Strode : Tomorrow. Seven o'clock.
Dana Haines : You know he'll be locked away until the end of his days.
Laurie Strode : That's the idea.
Dana Haines : Let's talk about when the state came to take your daughter away. She was 12-years-old. They said you were an unfit Mother. How long until you regained custody.
Laurie Strode : I didn't. But you already knew that.
[She gets up and heads to the front door]
Aaron Korey : Laurie, we saw him. We met with Michael. I showed him the mask. It was nothing. No response, nothing. He won't talk to anyone. Never has, but I think he might speak with you. So, why don't you sit down with him and say all the things you must be longing to say? Come with us. Let us help you free yourself. Please.
Laurie Strode : [Opens the front door] Time's up. I'll accept my payment. Get out.