3 of 5 found this to have none
There are infrequent mild sex references, such as a man comparing a woman's "curves" to lines of poetry.
2 of 3 found this severe
There are strong, occasionally sustained, scenes of violence which include shootings, stabbings, throat slashings and beatings which result in extensive bloodshed.
Torture scenarios feature heavy blows delivered to bodies, burning with hot irons and waterboarding.
There is also moderate, stylised violence in fight scenes in which punches, kicks, stamps and head butts are delivered.
There are numerous images of blood on bodies and faces in the aftermath of violent events, including torture scenarios, as well as strong injury detail such as cuts and burns.
1 of 2 found this moderate
There is moderate bad language ('bitch'), as well as milder terms such as 'bloody', 'bastard', 'God' and 'hell'.
Frequent use of Ms.
2 of 3 found this moderate
Cigarette and cigar smoking reflects the historical era in which the film is set.
1 of 3 found this moderate
There is moderate gun and knife threat.
The child of a man being tortured for information is brought in and he is told that she will be scalped unless he talks, but the threat is not carried out.