The title of this pseudo-documentary is ironic, since it implies that people who want to prevent human overpopulation and greed from suffocating our only life support system might be "evil." Anti environmentalists who see pollution as excusable are the truly evil ones. The right-wing, religious, Cornucopian view of the world forgets that agencies like the EPA were created because industries would not voluntarily stop polluting. A film like this would have gotten no traction in the late 60s and early 70s, and deserves none today.
Modern conservatives bask in a fantasy world where they assume environmental regulations are unnecessary to mitigate human overpopulation and the cannibalization of nature to support a single species at the expense of others. They "forget" all the earlier battles fought to protect nature from their own denier ilk, and they simply ignore climate science and worst-case warming scenarios.
You won't find any accurate coverage in this film of CO2's huge impacts on "radiative forcing," the key factor in trapping heat over time. CO2 controls about 80% of radiative forcing, per NASA and other sources. Conservatives throw around the term "trace gas" without the context of CO2's potency. They harp on water vapor as the most powerful greenhouse gas, but water vapor is in constant flux while CO2 lingers far longer in the atmosphere and modulates the net warming effect. Without CO2, most of the world would be frozen. How can anyone think it's an insignificant gas if they really understand what it does?
The film is full of appeals to "ordinary people vs. the elites" but the former often have no understanding of the science. The message is politicized, not truly investigated on its scientific merit. The main tactic is to create doubt about the climate consensus without ever proving that doubts are valid. It's the same old denialism repackaged with a not so clever title.
I find it especially ironic that these filmmakers claim to be concerned about the poor, downtrodden masses who are already suffering from climate change in low-lying areas and marginal farming regions. They will be the worst hit, so stop playing them as "victims of environmentalism." The real good guys are not science-denying capitalist zealots.