Judas & Jesus, a German animated short, takes the classic Looney Tunes-style of animation (complete with the classic opening and "That's all sheeps!" closing) and uses it for pure blasphemy. It retells the story of the Gospels using anthropomorphic sheep, and then goes full pornographic - the males look like sheep, but the females look like always-naked babes. The story is told from the point of view of Judas, not an apostle turned traitor, but in this version, a full-blown Satanist and rebel who hates Jesus. Wanting to get with Mary Magdalene, and into her sex show, he snitches on Jesus for 30 euros.
Jesus is portrayed as uptight, heavy-handed, severe and prudish. Judas and the adult Mary Magdalene are treated as perverse, but one has to feel for them given the scorn thrust upon them by Jesus. The story of the Gospels may have been that Jesus brought a vision of love and outreach, but what this short shows us is closer to how Christian authorities actually act. Therein lies the satire. The pictures the teen Judas has of Mary are too outrageous for words. All in all, a short of interest.