Check Out The Event is the latest quirky MBC drama to drop over the weekend and with only four episodes, this is a light, breezy show with plenty of positives. The idea of this couple's retreat is a good one, although I'm not quite sure why Song-Yi thinks it's a good idea too take her ex boyfriend.
Either way, it seems like she's going too get romantically involved with Ji-Kang, which will cause friction with Do-Gyeom, I'm sure. It's your classic love triangle arc but the humour and slick cinematography help this one to stand out.
Some of the editing is fantastic too and the use of bright, pastel colours gives this show a much more vibrant feel than one may be expecting.
The story may be simple, but it's effective in conveying the tone and themes of the show. Whether there will be a twist with this or not remains to be seen but for now, this four episode event looks to be a decent one well worth checking out.