I'm glad she was able to put the archival footage together in a film. But she doesn't go into too much detail about some of the people in it. She speaks in very vague and juvenile adjectives "he was sweet and I could tell he was sad". As a forever fan of Jonathan Brandis, it was nice to see candid footage of him. But it felt as if she took advantage of his friendship. I just see someone who was surrounded by people gushing over her but I didn't see her giving much back. Perhaps that's why the documentary felt so empty- she was so self-absorbed that she literally had nothing meaningful to say about other people. "New York is when I met the skaters and the punks". Ok. What more can you tell us about these people? What more can you tell us about the subculture and the scene? Finally we saw she had a Black friend in NY, but apart from that, not much of a diverse group. If it weren't for this footage, I doubt she would remember much of anything.